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Sometimes I wonder...

@ th-retard-xp.bs.com

Friday, May 29, 2009

quiz from jean
01. Honestly, what colour is your shirt?
eh, except for uniform...usually its black

02. Honestly, what is on your mind?
how fucking long will i take to finish this quiz

03. honestly, what have you done yesterday?
aiya....go to school and play lar...

04. honestly, have you ever been in love?
eh...not really, i jus got random crushes of guys/girls

05. what do you do when you're mad?
kick the wall and shout FUCK!

06. whats the worst things you've done when you were very mad
i kicked a guys head until i think his neck broked?

07. ever made anyone cry?
lyk DUH!!!

08. do you curse when you are mad?

09. when was the last time you really cried?
5 years ago, i lost my tears den dunno why...

10. ever cried yourself to sleep?
yea.....(kinda cry baby when i'm younger)

11. what you usually makes you cry?
damn funny dirty jokes

12. are you normally a happy person?
i dunno, i cant tell...

13. does being with your friends make you happy?

14. when people say they think you are good looking/pretty, do you get happy?
hmm..i usually say thanks..

15. is there someone who you like at the moment?

16. have you ever given or being given a rose?

17. do you believe in love at first sight?
no, but crushes yes..

18. do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?

19. have you ever had your heart broken?

20. what do you think about long distance relationships?
waste of time

21. what do you think of online relationship?
waste of time still

22. do you believe the statement, "once a cheater, always a cheater"?
i think so....

23. do you usually fall for the right boy/girl
i always fall for guys dat lyk me and care for me
but not so much for girls...

24. what colour make you think of LOVE?

25. what are your views on gay marriages?
eh..perfectly fine?

(i'm lazy to do the rest)

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

okay..did you guys check out

the video? niger and terrance very good dancers

right? hehe....haiz btw today got ptc

but mama cannot go..sobs no results

den after school straight away go

plaza sing wif sarah omg..first time

going plaza sing straight after school

cuz i wanna go otaku hse

to buy sasori/tobi's akatsuki

haha...den jus went there but go too earlier le

den walk around for awhile..

finally at 12 otaku hse open liao

den go in and cosplay abit haha

wanted to cosplay akatsuki but not enough

time lol...but super fun...we planning someday

bring more friends and we go cosplay together

cosplay the whole akatsuki hehe

i'm so into akatsuki this days...

i love tobi ^^ but i hate uchiha mandara(which is still tobi)

;p lol so complicated...but aiya tobi kawaii mah..

*tobi is a good boy ;D*

kay den after going back i stop at yishun

den sarah continue home and sembawung

den i go meet vanessa and niklas

but half way thru niklas disappear

den vanessa meet up wif renald and jia wei

....they grown quite alot since i last

saw them...guess i'm the only who grows

only 1cm lol.................jia wei catching up wif my height liao

but after dat at 3.00pm i went home

sian liao had a great and fun outing wif

sarah and vanessa...

tomoro actually going svc wif sichen de

but i guess she doesn't realli want me there

so dunno lar mayb going mayb not...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Thursday, May 28, 2009

okay..now my youtube
channel finally look more nice..
if not its lyk dead..
btw today go donation drive
for KDF..not NKF
den ppl see me run away wtf..
now i know how ppl feel when i reject
them..so next time i'll donate
even if its 10cents
cuz its not easy to get them to
even finish listening to you...
btw go my channel --> http://www.youtube.com/user/SouLzFuSe
yea...i got some dance video up..
subscribe if you want to..but i dun realli giva damn

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

okay, today CCM got mini oral
test..den i notice my malay suck lyk
hell den after CCM
go recess den got AEP
den go hip hop
dance until super tired...den almost broke my leg
cuz do the break dance start off den do wrongly
haha....after AEP
going guzheng but
AEP end 1.00pm
GZ star 3.00pm
got 2hr worth of time
so go play in canteen..
lol den sichen taking care
of her sheeps...den dawn must
ask ppl do Y-hope survey...cant get anyone dotz....
so i help them den go ask aloysius..
den for some reason, aloysius was lyk boasting
to jeremy..okay not realli boasting..but hes
gesture somehow show hes proud of me?
(at least this time the interaction isn't dat cold)
den say i'm his bro..lol....den ask him do survey
den he ask me help him do..lol...
he say "why don't you put my name(or ur name)
den you help me do"...den i was lyk..but my answer diff
from urs..den he already convinced to do it liao
den jeremy was lyk "survey ah? come i help you do"
den aloy let jeremy do lol..=="
den later on go guzheng...*tired*
den come home ltr going eat
dinner wif new zealand aunt...lol
(sry i'm typing so shortly->short sentences..cuz i going out REAL soon)
k lar going wake my dad up liao..

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Saturday, May 23, 2009

took this quiz from yasser
100 question sia...T.T
01.Real name?
tan young boon aloysius

02. Nickname?

03. starsign?

04. Male or Female?
I'll be anything you lyk..

05. Elementry

06. Middle
Naval Base Pri

07. High
Northbrooks sec

08. Hair colour

09. Long/Short hair
erm...i dunno, long-short mayb?

10. loud or quiet

11. sweat or jean

12. Phone or camera
Camera-phone ^^

13. fruit or fried food
fried food

14. drink or smoke

15. do you have a crush on somebody?
eh...does anime character counts?

16. eat or drink

17. piercing
eh 2 on left ear

18. tattoos
currently dun have, but i wanna try..

19. been on a airplane?

20. been in a relationship?
i lost count ;D

21. been in a car accident?
eh nope..

22. been in a first fight?

23. first piercing
hmm...13th dec at genting highland

24. first best friend
eh...tan yan ming

25. first award
most sadistic homo-sepian in nvbps

26. first crush
hm...i'm not sure...i dun think i ever had one

27. first fashion sense

28. first vacation
to thailand ^^

29. last person i talk to..
my dad

30. last person i text..

31. last person(s) i watched a movie with
eh, joyce and sichen...watched "the uninvited" funny ^^

32. last food i ate

33. last movie watched
the uninvited

34. last song i listened to
when you look me in the eye (jonas brother)

35. last thing i bought
my new slipper after some ass stole mine >:(

36. last person i hugged
johnny hehe

37. food

38. drink
green-apple vodka

39. clothing
mix formal

40. books
i'm the king of the castle

41. music
daddy's little girl

42. flowers
blue rose

43. colour

44. movies
i jus watch them, i dun fave them

45. position

(strangly got no Q.46)

in 2008...(oh, so its a checklist now..)
047. [] Kissed in the snow
48. [] celebrated Halloween
49. [X] had your heart broken
50. [X] went over the minutes on your cell phone
51. [X] someone questioned your sexual orientation
52. [x] came out of the closet
53. [?] gotten pregnant
54. [?] had an abortion
55. [] done something you've regretted
56. [x] broke a promise
57. [x] hid a secret
58. [x] pretended to be happy
59. [x] met someone who changed your life
60. [] pretended to be sick
61. [] left the country
62. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it
63. [x] cried over the silliest thing
64. [x] ran a mile
65. []went to the beach with your best friend(s) <--well i wanted to...
66. [] stayed single the whole year

67. eating

68. drinking
nothing! and stop asking

(and i'm so surprize dat Q.69 to Q.72 are missing)

73. want kids?
wat kinda question is dat?

74. wanna get married?
yeah!..and get laid real soon..lol

75. career in mind

76. lip or eyes
erm...both mayb

77. shorter or taller
well i wanna be 10cm taller...(171 + 10 = 181)

78. romantic or spontaneous?

79. Nice stomach or nice arms
none..i wanna nice waist lol..

80. sensitive or loud

81. hooked-up or relationship

82. trouble maker or hesitant

83. lost glasses/ contacts?
boths...almost got killed

84. ran away from home
why the fuck would i do dat?

85. hold a gun or knife for self defensive...
yeah..toy gun and penknife

86. killed somebody
eh...not sure..i think that guy is still alive..den again..mayb not

87. broken someone's heart?

88. being arrested?
eh..ya home arrest/quarentine

89. cried when someone died
eh, laugh until cry haha

do you believe in..
90. yourself
confidence is a must,
cocky-ness is a plus

91. miracles
nah, not realli

92. love at first sight
eh dat only happens if i see a boy lol

93. heaven
can i say no?

94. santa claus?
jingle bell
jingle bell
jingle all the way

95. sex on the first date

96. sex on the first date

answer truthfully
97. is there somebody you wanna be right now?

98. are you seriously happy where you are in life now?
not realli

99. do you believe in god?

100!!!. this is the 100 and the last.
and so~~? whats you ur point? i can tell its the 100

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

okay..my blog is so fucking
dead....imma realli bored right
now...having being monday tomoro
...okay CCM is kinda cool...got A/C den
the teacher prompt us to sleep
turn on air-con, turn on fan, off lights, draw curtains...
lol...btw recently
i got introduce to this new
manga called magister negi magi
or AKA negima!
i so totally got addicted to it...
negi is so kawaii lol..
but ytd met peter again...
haha he and opss ppl
actually i didn't notice he standing beside
me de...until i heard the girl
calling peter peter
den i turn around an saw him...
haiz..so sianz..also ytd..
mama go help ppl make up...den drive
to grand hyatt hotel
in the orchard road area...kinda fucked up
its so hard to locate only
after driving for 1hr around
orchard road den finally found it..
= earlier events =
okay..so jus now wake up
did almost nothing..jus wake up
play psp den bath den go for lunch
....when i open the door about to
go for lunch...i jus notice....
my slippers are gone =="
WTF LOR ppl also got take slipper
de...plus mine is lyk old...and almost spoiling
i dunno why some fuck-ass wanna take it
its so stupid...den nvm..wear school
shoe to go eat..wtf..
den go buy new one...bought one
wif a guitar imprint...not my style
but yea..its cheap..

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Monday, May 18, 2009

my blog died
a long time ago didn't it?
haiz...home econ today was
okay okay
lucky yesterday night got study
if not got some question dunno how to answer..
but D&T i think more shitty haha
anyways exams are over!...wee...
lol...not realli dat happy actually..
during the week ends i completed
silent hill2...james sunderland is a
better protagonist den harry mason..
lol...haha but this youtube guy
who plays it says james suck..
i wont argue wif him cuz i lyk his
vids..and his realli funny...hes called "agentjr"
funny haha...but i very pro
hor?...weekend of a test
ppl study i playing lol...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Friday, May 15, 2009

this post is dedicated
to rihanna...why must
ppl treat her lyk dat?
its not right.....its not fair
i'm not a realli big fan of rihanna
but...i'm jus being empathetic..
what is it lyk being
beaten half dead by your
boyfriend and den having ur
nude pictures post up in the
internet?.....its not fair to her...
i hope we'll all wish her luck
in her career...and lets hope nth
lyk dat happen to her or anyone else
(i use "anyone" becuz i'm not only refering to celebrities,
i'm talking about ppl lyk me and you too)

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

okay..my blog died...
lol...so long nvr blog liao loh...
haiz..lots happen but i cant
realli recall...but to day go eat
wif sichen(as usual) den eat wif
sichen senior, forgot her name..lol
den realli funny...talking about
pubic hair and lots of dirty
stuff haha
but i got nth much to say lar..

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

okay..long time no blog..cuz
i cant get a comp wif internet
and its exams period now..
jus studying all dat..now
to think of it its exam period
nth to talk about
cuz nth happen! lol....but yea
life jus goes on....

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

okay.. some stuff happen..so yea...
okay go to school abit not feeling well
den A/C ready liao haha
den at 10.00am take temperature
den 37.6 lol den KANA QUARENTINE
in study room, they made me
wear a mask and its hard to breath in it
...wtf quarentine all they way until
2.30pm lyk dat..lucky grandma come fetch
me if not must stay until 4.00pm
den sichen update
me with thing in class on the way home..
but things got worst when my fever
increase until 39.0 den bo bian need
to see doc...den my dad is such
a fucking hypocrite...he ask me go see doc
den $42 den he keep complaining....
and indirectly scolding me...LYK WTF LAR
i'm fucking sick okay? its not lyk i wanna spend ur FUCKING
i'm pissed off by my dad...and den
its lyk dat and i went to bed earlier cuz i dun
wanna see my fucking hypocrite family's face..
den i slept lyk log hehe.. got 2 days MC ^^
wanna say sry to belle mei cuz at np she
wave and say hello to me but i jus
wave back shabbily cuz i realli very tired hehe...
sry mei !!
okay in the morning wake up about
10.40am lyk dat...den msg sichen
and entertain her...lol...den she update
me on everything dat happen in class...
haha den nth to do go eat lunch
and play xbox awhile..den go down stairs buy thing to
cook for dinner...den on the way back got into a
fight wif people dun wanna say from
which school but yea...almost killed him
lucky his friend pulled him away..
haiz...btw tomoro going school
liao even though i still got 1 more day MC
but thursday is english exam liao
no point slacking off at home...
haiz....so tired....

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Sunday, May 3, 2009

okay today met a new sec2 friend

jian ping...i think he said hes from 2D

lol...kayz CIP was kinda cool and fun..

took some pictures..

haha...so fun playing around wif stuff

our rice packet walls..

*it fell down later on cuz stack too much*

↑this uncle at the side(cant see his face) v.kind, help us wif the packing

jian ping looking at some paper

i think its the reflections for the CIP


northview sec ppl

dunno why they here but they taking

pic den i too late they dismiss liao

so yea...den after dat ask

us carry heavy packets back home lol

i gave grandma...><"

den at northpoint interchange..


(he touch my butt when he saw me ><")

i saw peter haha...den got a little boy beside

him not sure who is he..hes bro?

or his cousin? nah..imma gonna stop guessing

haha he say he wanna pierce ear

den i was lyk go pierce lar not pain one


i mean lyk realli not pain mah...

hehe but peter if you wan pierce go pierce lar..

seriously not pain on...only 5 minutes

after the pierce den got hot-hot feeling

oh yea...jus for some of you who are

as dumb as sichen here are some tips to take

good care of ur ear to prevent infections..

1# Wash ear regularly(wif alchohal)

*alchohal can be bought at power9 at $1(small) or $2.50(big) each*

2# Do not touch it for no reason !!!

*ur hands contain bacteria ==" *

3# TRY not to eat seafood(it encourages infections)

(excepts for fish, cuz i'm talking about crabs, prawns, lobsters Etc.)

4# wash EVERYTHING you put in ur ear wif alchohal FIRST !!!

(EVERYTHING = earsticks, earstuds, earrings, straws Etc.)


and here are some tips on what should you do

if you already have an infection

(hole feel ichy and liquid dripping out)

1# TAKE OUT earsticks, earstuds, earrings, straws Etc at once!

(use tissue to clean off liquid if there is any)

2# after removing the stud..wash hole wif alchohal 2 times a day

(use tissue to clean if liquid is present)

3# to heal the hole quickly, get rid of ALL the liquid

(use a tissue paper to SQUEEZE all the liquid from the hole)

↑ for the above, clear liquid 2/3 times a day depend on situations

4# if you are realli required to touch ur ear, WASH ur hands first!


and datz about all the tips to

get ur ear to heal quick...

information dedicated to my kawaii peter

and sichen =="

and all of you ppl who is having ur ear pierce for the first time..


i'm giving earpiercing for $1 each

i will not be held responsible if you get an infection

but so far i help 3 person pierce already,

ME, zhi yun and sichen....they all say it doesn't

hurt..so if you wan something cheap and painless

come to me ^^

*i numb ur ear and use alchohal dun worry*

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Friday, May 1, 2009

okay wtf..

my desktop javascript

corrupted..den can see

the "sign in" button in the blogger

home page..so cant log in..anyone

got the solution?

nvm...has been boring this few days..

but yesterday went ziyao's

bday..quite fun actually

den went swimming in my pants..haha

cuz no trunks...den all go swim

except janice, dawn, sichen, tongwee

haha den take off shirt den jus jump in pool


got take some pics lar..wait ah go upload

at the BBQ

"stalking" min wei (little girl in p!nk)..O.O

playing wif janice and joyce(joyce covering face)><"


Then this is the pic taken at night...most of them left..

I think dat zay yar..they playing volley ball..

preparing to jump down water to join them...hehe


(i looked to tired and bored..cuz my mood destroyed by SOMEBODY)

haha den we watching slumdog millionare

which laura kindly brought over..den watch half way

we all cook noodles...den faiez stripped..haha...den secretly

took pic...=="

we played around while watching movie..

so yea, very enjoyable...for those of you

who left early..jealous right? haha


OH YA BTW TODAY i overslept and missed

guzheng CIP..wtf....NOO!!

tomoro gonna get scolding and questioning

from mdm phua liao..=.="

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

In God, we trust(:
Birthday . 27th February
StarSign. Pisces