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Sometimes I wonder...

@ th-retard-xp.bs.com

Monday, August 31, 2009

yo..okay back here again..
today super fun seh...
teacher's day performance..
den v.high...but the only awkward
part is in the morning briefing i
have to sit in the same room as him..
den got the (him no.2) also
keep staring at me...den the dummest thing
is johnny and ying xuan still down there
supporting me lol
haha den while talking and doing some
gesture...johnny hit ying xuan's right boob..
sooo WTF..........
but year....in the end everything went fine..
so now v.tired...cuz had so much
fun today den just now i watch my bloody
valentine 3D lol...not really worth my
time watching...kinda boring....

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Sunday, August 30, 2009

okay..tomoro is monday liao
den its teacher's day...

my plans for tomoro :

1)ACES day work out

2)Performance briefing

3)preparing for concert

4)prepare for perfomance

6)class party(planning to skip?)
7)walk back to school

8)Eat NVBPS nasi lemak

9)go say hello to all teachers (i know)

10.play with friends

11.slack off..

12)walk home (:

very random right? haha

but datz all the plans for tomoro

so sianz lar jus now

go sim lim square walk until

tired but i bought a cooler and a mouse

for my lappy (:

no nid use my father's liao...if not later he
want complain again...
haiz...btw i gave sarah a new project to work on

interesting right? haha

btw jus now at simlim square i saw

something interesting...

dummy cameras? haha dat means some

security cam is fake de lol
den in the golden mile opposite food court i

also saw something interesting...

lol gay sex anyone?

the number is : 9232 7641?

lol but dun go call leh =="

its random number i think...

lol den nth much liao lar..

btw i change blogsong again haha

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Saturday, August 29, 2009

okay..so today lots of things
crash togetgher...
my Teacher's day rehearsal
My Service
And my Flag Day....
3 things crash...den in the end i
didn't go to any but lucky
TYP decided to visit me
in yishun so things weren't so sianz..
den yea! monday is teacher's day
can go back nvbps and eat nasi lemak...
and datz wat everyone is going back for..
cheap and nice tasting nasi lemak
zzz so hypocritical...den monday also
got performance liao....after what
i've done to him, which affect
him, the sec2 and the councillors
i don't i wanna go up the stage anymore....zzz
johnny seems disapointed in me...
after he heard the news from the councillors..
so sianz btw jus now went amk..den
bought nth lol..den came home and went spider web
at around 9.30pm like dat
until 11.00pm? den ask vanessa to chat wif me..
den nth more liao lorh...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Thursday, August 27, 2009

okay..today i have
nothing to say too....i let
its all out and like Vanessa
said..fuck those who think
we do not fit in....i expressed
myself i know I'm sorry i scared
you but i really cannot hold them
on any longer...you look so much like
him..and they way you look at me
is almost the same too....its just
so irresistible....
so today i got "the stare" from
some people and all the bullshit...
but I'm so surprise after all that crap
there are ppl from sec2 who wants
to date me...2girls and 1 boy...haiz...
so mood less for all that...
but den again...fuck those
who think we don't fit in....
but i sincerely apologise for what
i've done...i just feel sad cause
hes dead and i miss him....
and den there again you look so
much like him....but don't worry
as the letter states...no matter how much
you look like him you'll never be him and
i'l still a total stranger to you anyways...
poor sam got confronted by "some guy"
*i know who you are just don't wanna
say names on my blog"
for my mistakes...sry sammie....
den the strangest thing is dat..after all the
bullshit....there are actually 2girls and 1 guy
who wanna jio me...ooo~~ not bad..
but not now i'm sorry i'm pretty much very mood less
i wanna break down but i cant....
den again i should apologise
I'm sorry...you know who you are and i hope
you will get to read my blog...
but either ways i'm sorry
i wont disturb you anymore....

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I've got nothing much to say today
because i feel so dead....

wanna know why?

i found out its impossible between me
and him..and his already got someone else...

me and my sad story..haiz...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Saturday, August 22, 2009

today, is my cousin, Jovan Lim's
full month...so l8r at grandma hse got buffet
lol..yesterday's service very fun hahah
but come back very late..like 8.00pm
like dat...den eat mac...lol
but svc was fun...
btw i jus posted a christian quiz. for all you
christ brothers and sisters.
do post them even though you dunno me
i mean we are brother/sister in christ anyway...
so yea..nth much i can say now...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Tag all your christian friends with this quiz
to find out more on how the think about christ and God :

1)Which church do you belong to?
-Hope-churce Singpore

2)How commited can you say yourself as?

3)Do you enjoy the company of your church mates?
-Certainly (:

4)If you were not a christian, you would be..
- A taoist.

5)Can you vow that you truely love God?
-Well after all that he has done, why not?

6)Have you every felt forsaken or thought of backsliding?
-yes? I mean everyone feels unsecure sometimes...

7)Would you give up god for something else?
-The bible says that follow and give into God, what you want will
come naturally (:

8)What is your favourite activity in church? Why?
-eh... Prayer? -> cause it gives me a feel of enlightenment as we pray in god's presences
-Games and bonding -> everyone likes that, don't they?

9)When is the last time you prayed? (starting from this very moment as you think)
-Yesterday night before i sleep

10) And what prayer was it?
- I thanked God for all he has done for me today and also for the enjoyable time with me friends

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Friday, August 21, 2009

okay finally my blog

no problem liao den post pictures liao

btw today after school

den go CG den after CG

must chiong back school

for teacher's day rehearsal...zzz

den poor renea and faiez

chiong to bugis and chiong back

haha poor thing...lol btw nvm...

damn tired lor....sing and stuff

den we walk back home...

trying to take pics of "things"

and since my bloggy

finally can post pic and write in huge

letters lets post pictures ^.^

this is renea and angelica ( dont think you can see)

this random pic from across the road. nth there lol...

den nth more liao lar..den i gtg soon...tomoro
still got combined svc den 4-6pm at suntec..
haiz...so sianz...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Saturday, August 15, 2009

yea..so now just come back from SVC
den very fun larh..haha lots of stuff happen
but datz not important...y-hope
got reconstruction den Yishun-sec too
big the whole NorthB2 all YTSS de lol..
den NorthB3 is NBSS but only got 2 nbss =="
P.S by 2, i mean Me and Sichen
lol so yea 2 ppl is so small to start
a cell so YTSS ppl got transfer over
haha so now the original NorthB2
got split up in to B2 & B3
den ppl in B2 are :
1)Aloysius-Me (sheep)
3)Teck Shuean(my sheperd)

LOL all sheperds except me lol
cant blame me, cause i just joined
haha but y-hope is fun

I'm out of OUTREACH FORMS!!!
nvm lim sichen still owe me
6 haha (6 paper den 2 on each paper so 12 in total)
haiz i need outreach soon

NZY being oblivion abt christ..
nvm lor i wont save people who are
i feel bad....haiz...

going for dinner soon liao, eating at grandma hse


ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Thursday, August 13, 2009

yeah! the week end is here again.
den today got some stupid stuff happened
in the morning on my way to school
i step on poo=="
den very smelly den laura got angry
at me for standing beside her...
wtf....den the worst part is i dirty the
floor den i have to do sit up and push up
on dat floor zzz
haiz...den still got some other ****ed up
stuff..lol okay lar but its not dat bad...
one is during the spelling. den miss lee
give meaning for the 3rd word
the meaning is : not so pleasant
den i dunno wat word mah...den when discussing
i excidentally shout out "unpleasant?" den
reali is unpleasant den -1 mark while the whole
class got that word correct..FML man
lol haiz...but after dat quite good lar
sarah treat me to lunch den gabriel treat me
milk tea ^.^

later still got CG den tomoro got SVC...
sunday got video making for CL Project..
haiz...so many stuff crop up
so tired den i still need to outreach haiz..
btw yesterday i posted about the new silenthill
coming out this fall. SilentHill:shattered Memoeries
which i'm gonna buy..but den again when i read
about the way you play i dont think i wanna play
cuz its like haunting ground or Clock tower
no fighting back de jus running away only..
haiz i hate those game...IT DEFEATS THE POINT OF SILENT HILL
plus the story is silent 1 lor...which is like soo long ago
and i already completed it liao...the only one i havent
played finish is homecoming....didn't go buy...haiz.
but homecoming abit too action...den devilmaycry also
all complete liao except 4...haiz...so sianz leh..no games
to play..but now also not much time to play liao
about 7more weeks den exams liao
den after exams den can play...

btw today during history. mr fairuz was
talking about baggy pants and skinny jeans
den he say baggy pants at his time, can but
10 chickens inside den skinny jeans
wear until ,for guys, can see the...
you know what lar hor...i dont wan say..
denhe say its bad for it den after
cannot grow den no father's day..WTF...
den he still draw out on board...
haiz....CG in 1 more hr time..
so bored seh...

ily,♥You idiotic fatty


there is gonna be a new silent hill game coming
out Fall of 2009 !!! its called Silent Hill : Shattered memories
its not a new story but its a remake of silent hill1
so we are back to playing as HARRY MASON!
hurray for harry fans.
P.S i'm more of a James Sunderland Fan
hehe and the best part is...
so anticipate for it! cause imma getting it too!
to read more go it -> http://silenthill.wikia.com/wiki/Silent_Hill:_Shattered_Memories
go get it !

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

okay..so weekends coming and i'm
still preparing for my teacher's day
audition. you may not hear(or read) me say before
but i'm going for teacher's dat performance
auditions-> so funny seh, teacher's day also got auditions
den ady say my group got pass i think. so now we
practising harder. den got faiez and dawn playing
guitars. haiz. den the bad thing is we still not sure
of our standing positions...haiz...den today finally
we secretly use the hall to practise during SMART
den they all not focus den i have to scream "FUCK, STOP
WASTING MY FUCKING TIME" out loud haiz.....i feel so bad

Dear God, May you forgive me as i have speak
foully infront of my friends and i feel really bad.
i couldn't control it anylonger, in jesus name i pray

btw today right? got study group at BK(northpoint) den
we do finish hwk den i go outreach haha less den 30mins
i got 4 contacts. den sichen take 2(cuz girls) den i only
got 2 boys >.> zzz btw how do you think of my new BS?
i think its emo, but at the same time sad? i used
a old song but you all dont mind right? haha den ytd
got GZ* den some miracle happened. me instructor who is
strict and fierce had suddenly turn realli nice ^.^
hope its also next week so i wont dread to go GZ
i also got alot of "star" achievements on wed cuz
i played quite well btw the rating goes like this :
Empty - Fail/Absent
Apple - Good Pass
Star - Very good Pass
Flag - Excellent Pass

i know lar its jus a "very good pass" but hey
GZ very hard okay?! now very tired sia
want to sleep but if i sleep now tonite no
need sleep liao...

oh ya..KANASAI seh NZY she go watch 吓到笑(where got ghost) liao
originally is go watch together de lorh. zzz guess she
puts her sec school friends first liao sobz sobz T.T

tsk. like i care like dat..lol =="
haiz..okay i go do other things liao bb

GZ - Guzheng(chinese instrument) <- My CCA

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Monday, August 10, 2009

Okay, I've finally edited blog skin
and posted something new but den again,
something is wrong with blogger again.
i dont have the adding colours part and the other other
crap...lol so plain...i'm busy with twitter recently
lol...but aiya...school also tired lar..
so much had happen...btw i'm running for councillor
next year !!! woots...got lots of people peer
voting me.. even mr hafez! MR HAFEZ YOU ROCK!
haha...so sianz jus had buffet.
fattening >.>
drank lots of milk shake...-->Milk+IceCream+Ice+sugar=MILKSHAKE
zzz...haha den the reason why i'm running for councillor is
so i can revenge against FBY!!! ahahaha...
zz den the second reason is for the "certain person"
i talked about in the moving thing on the top of the blog.
P.S that one is i edit de...haiz..
so long never blog liao...>.>
sry hor, blog fans...
i know you people love my blog..
heh heh BHB
den quite alot happened lar, but lazy to say.


ily,♥You idiotic fatty

In God, we trust(:
Birthday . 27th February
StarSign. Pisces