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Sometimes I wonder...

@ th-retard-xp.bs.com

Thursday, February 4, 2010

hihi people, haven't been blogging much at all recently
so yea..load of stuff happened....too lazy too say..
the councillor interview coming real soon? (i think...)
den also tml got cross country.......gonna be dead beat
tomoro..haha den still got gz after that....so i tot i'll be there
early to eat breakfast with sam....see first lo....

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Saturday, January 30, 2010

I'm tired now. My cca is gonna be on saturday now.
i can't go to svc now...i'm tired....CCA just keep
Crashing with my journey to seek god...
i'm really sick and tired of cca now..

Why can't things turn out the way i want it to be?
haiz..i'm really sian now luh..
there is ultimately nothing i can do.

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Currently in school now..using mac book..
at mac lab of cause lar.....damn noisy den my
privacy feels threatened...lol so many people near me =/
freaking bored..haiz...l8r still got choir prac..
gonna sing mad world....wtf?

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Friday, January 15, 2010

suuuppppeeeerrr tired now.....i think
because of rock climbing den my whole body
ache haha....eheheh...johnny, kaili and ady
climb the whole wall leh! den i think i lousiest...
barely 4th wall....can't believe it...EVEN SARAH DID
BETTER DEN ME..T.T....okay nvms...

I would talk all about camp lar...but too
tired so i'll summaries it.

Okay this that assemble in school den
mark attendant den spotcheck bag...
after that board the bus and leave for
the campsite at HomeTeamNS bukit batok.
den after that briefing-briefing and even more briefing..
after the long long briefings den go KAYAKING~!!!! (yay! ;])
after kayak den come back have stupid trust night nature walk
where ady made my lie down on the road =="
den bedtime liao at the hard, cold tentage ):

Then today wake up, brush teeth and have breakfast..
after that so do high elements! wahahaha..FlyingFox.
Abseiling and rockclimbing ((: den after that still got
obsticle courses..(: den got dunno what team building activity..
it doesn't build teamwork in 2g1...it kills in slowly.....but luckily
we didn't hurt each other's feelings too much....
after that went for dinner den after dinner is CAMPFIRE!
campfire damn high sia...(:

This last that also nothing lor..(actually day3 is today lar)
pack up, have breakfast, cheer and go home.

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Wow today cca recuitment
tiring sia...did the same speech for 5 times..
haha den saturday also doing the speech
to parents....actually also not speech lar...
its just convincing people to join GZ..

Then recently i've met a friend whom i shall
call "wil".....erm.....i msg him all day..cause for some
reason i feel damn bored without his replies..
messaging just kinda made my whole day...
den i kinda spam msg....i think his annoyed at me..
, SORRY KAYS? don't be angry at me if you are kay? ):

haiz...so tired now...going to sleep soon hahas..

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Okay its the second day of school...
and congratz stephenie for her promotion
to 2Express in my class 2G1..congratz((;

Haiz...school nowadays all so tiring derh..
come back home straight away wanna sleep liao
haiz....den if i sleep den at night no need sleep =="
so much stay awake haiz.....

The good news is Miss Faith Ong is
my Math teacher den she today talk to me
about my "councillor dream" den she say i can
go try out during the interview haha she say she will
include me in the list of names....as long as people don't
object i think i can become a councillor liao..finallys...

So sianz now, i think i msn awhile den go slp
ler...sleepy ><"

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

Friday, January 1, 2010

Yeah! Its new year day!
Well my ytd blogpost was on new year day
too luh but..to me that was "yesterday"
and today also as bo liao as everyday..
school reeopening in 2days time.

Just now msn with nisa, and omg her
DP was epic and i ask her to send it to me haha

Credits to nisa and the person who
created it ((:

Jacob and Edward..AHAHAHA

ily,♥You idiotic fatty

In God, we trust(:
Birthday . 27th February
StarSign. Pisces